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Mark 11; Mark 15
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Mark 11

Jesus’ Triumphant Entry

11As Jesus and his disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to the towns of Bethphage and Bethany on the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of them on ahead.G2532G3753G1448G1519G2419G1519G967G2532G963G4314G3735G1636G649G1417G846G31012"Go into that village over there," he told them. "As soon as you enter it, you will see a young donkey tied there that no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here.G2532G3004G846G5217G1519G2968G2713G5216G2532G2112G1531G1519G846G2147G4454G1210G1909G3739G3762G444G2523G3089G846G713If anyone asks, 'What are you doing?' just say, 'The Lord needs it and will return it soon.'"G2532G1437G5100G2036G5213G5101G4160G5124G2036G3754G2962G2192G5532G846G2532G2112G649G846G56024The two disciples left and found the colt standing in the street, tied outside the front door.G1161G565G2532G2147G4454G1210G4314G2374G1854G1909G296G2532G3089G8465As they were untying it, some bystanders demanded, "What are you doing, untying that colt?"G2532G5100G2476G1563G3004G846G5101G4160G3089G44546They said what Jesus had told them to say, and they were permitted to take it.G1161G2036G846G2531G2424G1781G2532G863G846G8637Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments over it, and he sat on it.G2532G71G4454G4314G2424G2532G1911G846G2440G1911G846G2532G2523G1909G8468Many in the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others spread leafy branches they had cut in the fields.G1161G4183G4766G846G2440G1519G3598G1161G243G2875G4746G1537G1186G2532G4766G1519G35989Jesus was in the center of the procession, and the people all around him were shouting, "Praise God!c Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the LORD!G2532G4254G2532G190G2896G3004G5614G2127G2064G1722G3686G296210Blessings on the coming Kingdom of our ancestor David! Praise God in highest heaven!"cG2127G932G2257G3962G1138G2064G1722G3686G2962G5614G1722G531011So Jesus came to Jerusalem and went into the Temple. After looking around carefully at everything, he left because it was late in the afternoon. Then he returned to Bethany with the twelve disciples.G2532G2424G1525G1519G2414G2532G1519G2411G2532G4017G3956G2235G3798G5610G5607G1831G1519G963G3326G1427

Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

12The next morning as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry.G2532G1887G846G1831G575G963G398313He noticed a fig tree in full leaf a little way off, so he went over to see if he could find any figs. But there were only leaves because it was too early in the season for fruit.G2532G1492G4808G3113G2192G5444G2064G1487G686G2147G5100G1722G846G2532G2064G1909G846G2147G3762G1508G5444G1063G2540G4810G2258G375614Then Jesus said to the tree, "May no one ever eat your fruit again!" And the disciples heard him say it.G2532G2424G611G2036G846G3367G5315G2590G1537G4675G3371G1519G165G2532G846G3101G191

Jesus Clears the Temple

15When they arrived back in Jerusalem, Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the people buying and selling animals for sacrifices. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves,G2532G2064G1519G2414G2532G2424G1525G1519G2411G756G1544G4453G2532G59G1722G2411G2532G2690G5132G2855G2532G2515G846G4453G405816and he stopped everyone from using the Temple as a marketplacec.G2532G863G3756G863G2443G5100G1308G4632G1223G241117He said to them, "The Scriptures declare, 'My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations,' but you have turned it into a den of thieves."cG2532G1321G3004G846G1125G3756G1125G3754G3450G3624G2564G3956G1484G3624G4335G1161G5210G4160G846G4693G302718When the leading priests and teachers of religious law heard what Jesus had done, they began planning how to kill him. But they were afraid of him because the people were so amazed at his teaching.G2532G1122G2532G749G191G2532G2212G4459G622G846G1063G5399G846G3754G3956G3793G1605G1909G846G132219That evening Jesus and the disciples leftc the city.G2532G3753G3796G1096G1607G1854G417220The next morning as they passed by the fig tree he had cursed, the disciples noticed it had withered from the roots up.G2532G4404G3899G1492G4808G3583G1537G449121Peter remembered what Jesus had said to the tree on the previous day and exclaimed, "Look, Rabbi! The fig tree you cursed has withered and died!"G2532G4074G363G3004G846G4461G2396G4808G3739G2672G358322Then Jesus said to the disciples, "Have faith in God.G2532G2424G611G3004G846G2192G4102G231623I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.G1063G281G3004G5213G3754G3739G302G2036G5129G3735G142G2532G906G1519G2281G2532G1252G3361G1252G1722G846G2588G235G4100G3754G3739G3004G1096G846G2071G3739G1437G203624I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours.G1223G5124G3004G5213G3745G3956G302G154G4336G4100G3754G2983G2532G5213G207125But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too."G2532G3752G4739G4336G863G1536G2192G1536G2596G5100G2443G5216G3962G2532G3588G1722G3772G863G5213G5216G390026cG1161G1487G5210G863G3756G863G3761G863G5216G3962G3588G1722G3772G863G5216G3900

The Authority of Jesus Challenged

27Again they entered Jerusalem. As Jesus was walking through the Temple area, the leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the elders came up to him.G2532G2064G3825G1519G2414G2532G846G4043G1722G2411G2064G4314G846G749G2532G1122G2532G424528They demanded, "By what authority are you doing all these things? Who gave you the right to do them?"G2532G3004G846G1722G4169G1849G4160G5023G2532G5101G1325G4671G5026G1849G2443G4160G502329"I'll tell you by what authority I do these things if you answer one question," Jesus replied.G1161G2424G611G2036G846G1905G2504G1905G5209G1520G3056G2532G611G3427G2532G2046G5213G1722G4169G1849G4160G502330"Did John's authority to baptize come from heaven, or was it merely human? Answer me!"G908G2491G2258G1537G3772G2228G1537G444G611G342731They talked it over among themselves. "If we say it was from heaven, he will ask why we didn't believe John.G2532G3049G4314G1438G3004G1437G2036G1537G3772G2046G1302G3767G4100G3756G4100G84632But do we dare say it was merely human?" For they were afraid of what the people would do, because everyone believed that John was a prophet.G235G1437G2036G1537G444G5399G2992G1063G537G2192G2491G3754G2258G4396G368933So they finally replied, "We don't know." And Jesus responded, "Then I won't tell you by what authority I do these things."G2532G611G3004G2424G1492G3756G1492G2532G2424G611G3004G846G3761G1473G3004G5213G1722G4169G1849G4160G5023

Mark 15

Jesus’ Trial before Pilate

15Very early in the morning the leading priests, the elders, and the teachers of religious law—the entire high councilc—met to discuss their next step. They bound Jesus, led him away, and took him to Pilate, the Roman governor.G2532G2112G1909G4404G749G4160G4824G3326G4245G2532G1122G2532G3650G4892G1210G2424G667G2532G3860G40912Pilate asked Jesus, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus replied, "You have said it."G2532G4091G1905G846G1488G4771G935G2453G1161G611G2036G846G4771G30043Then the leading priests kept accusing him of many crimes,G2532G749G2723G846G4183G1161G846G611G37624and Pilate asked him, "Aren't you going to answer them? What about all these charges they are bringing against you?"G1161G4091G1905G846G3825G3004G611G3756G3762G2396G4214G2649G46755But Jesus said nothing, much to Pilate's surprise.G1161G2424G3765G611G3762G5620G4091G22966Now it was the governor's custom each year during the Passover celebration to release one prisoner—anyone the people requested.G1161G2596G1859G630G846G1520G1198G3746G1547One of the prisoners at that time was Barabbas, a revolutionary who had committed murder in an uprising.G1161G2258G3004G912G1210G3326G4955G3748G4160G5408G1722G47148The crowd went to Pilate and asked him to release a prisoner as usual.G2532G3793G310G756G154G2531G104G4160G8469"Would you like me to release to you this 'King of the Jews'?" Pilate asked.G1161G4091G611G846G3004G2309G630G5213G935G245310(For he realized by now that the leading priests had arrested Jesus out of envy.)G1063G1097G3754G749G3860G846G1223G535511But at this point the leading priests stirred up the crowd to demand the release of Barabbas instead of Jesus.G1161G749G383G3793G2443G3123G630G912G84612Pilate asked them, "Then what should I do with this man you call the king of the Jews?"G1161G4091G611G2036G3825G846G5101G2309G3767G4160G3739G3004G935G245313They shouted back, "Crucify him!"G1161G2896G3825G4717G84614"Why?" Pilate demanded. "What crime has he committed?" But the mob roared even louder, "Crucify him!"G1161G4091G3004G846G1063G5101G2556G4160G1161G2896G4056G4717G84615So to pacify the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He ordered Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip, then turned him over to the Roman soldiers to be crucified.G1161G4091G1014G2425G4160G3793G630G912G846G2532G3860G2424G5417G2443G4717

The Soldiers Mock Jesus

16The soldiers took Jesus into the courtyard of the governor's headquartersc and called out the entire regiment.G1161G4757G520G846G520G2080G833G3603G4232G2532G4779G3650G468617They dressed him in a purple robe, and they wove thorn branches into a crown and put it on his head.G2532G1746G846G4209G2532G4120G4735G174G4060G84618Then they saluted him and taunted, "Hail! King of the Jews!"G2532G756G782G846G5463G935G245319And they struck him on the head with a reed stick, spit on him, and dropped to their knees in mock worship.G2532G5180G846G2776G2563G2532G1716G846G2532G5087G1119G4352G84620When they were finally tired of mocking him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him again. Then they led him away to be crucified.G2532G3753G1702G846G1562G4209G846G2532G1746G2398G2440G1746G846G2532G1806G846G1806G2443G4717G846

The Crucifixion

21A passerby named Simon, who was from Cyrenec, was coming in from the countryside just then, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus' cross. (Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus.)G2532G29G5100G4613G2956G3855G2064G575G68G3962G223G2532G4504G2443G142G846G471622And they brought Jesus to a place called Golgotha (which means "Place of the Skull").G2532G5342G846G1909G5117G1115G3739G2076G3177G5117G289823They offered him wine drugged with myrrh, but he refused it.G2532G1325G846G4095G3631G4669G1161G2983G375624Then the soldiers nailed him to the cross. They divided his clothes and threw dicec to decide who would get each piece.G2532G4717G846G1266G846G2440G906G2819G1909G846G5101G5101G14225It was nine o'clock in the morning when they crucified him.G1161G2258G5154G5610G2532G4717G84626A sign was fastened to the cross, announcing the charge against him. It read, "The King of the Jews."G2532G1923G846G156G2258G1924G935G245327Two revolutionariesc were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left.G2532G4862G846G4717G1417G3027G1520G1537G1188G2532G1520G1537G846G217628cG2532G1124G4137G3588G3004G2532G3049G3326G45929The people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery. "Ha! Look at you now!" they yelled at him. "You said you were going to destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days.G2532G3899G987G846G2795G846G2776G2532G3004G3758G2647G3485G2532G3618G1722G5140G225030Well then, save yourself and come down from the cross!"G4982G4572G2532G2597G575G471631The leading priests and teachers of religious law also mocked Jesus. "He saved others," they scoffed, "but he can't save himself!G1161G3668G2532G749G1702G3004G4314G240G3326G1122G4982G243G1438G3756G1410G498232Let this Messiah, this King of Israel, come down from the cross so we can see it and believe him!" Even the men who were crucified with Jesus ridiculed him.G2597G5547G935G2474G2597G3568G575G4716G2443G1492G2532G4100G2532G4957G846G3679G846

The Death of Jesus

33At noon, darkness fell across the whole land until three o'clock.G1161G1096G1623G5610G1096G1096G4655G1909G3650G1093G2193G1766G561034Then at three o'clock Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" which means "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?"cG2532G1766G5610G2424G994G3173G5456G3004G1682G1682G2982G4518G3739G2076G3177G3450G2316G3450G2316G5101G1519G1459G316535Some of the bystanders misunderstood and thought he was calling for the prophet Elijah.G2532G5100G3936G191G3004G2400G5455G224336One of them ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, holding it up to him on a reed stick so he could drink. "Wait!" he said. "Let's see whether Elijah comes to take him down!"G1161G1520G5143G2532G1072G4699G1072G3690G5037G4060G2563G4222G846G4222G3004G863G1492G1487G2243G2064G2507G846G250737Then Jesus uttered another loud cry and breathed his last.G1161G2424G863G3173G5456G160638And the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.G2532G2665G3485G4977G1519G1417G575G509G2193G273639When the Roman officerc who stood facing him saw how he had died, he exclaimed, "This man truly was the Son of God!"G1161G2760G3588G3936G1537G1727G846G1492G3754G3779G2896G1606G2036G230G3778G444G2258G5207G231640Some women were there, watching from a distance, including Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James the younger and of Josephc), and Salome.G1161G2258G2532G1135G2334G3113G575G2532G1722G3739G2258G3137G3094G2532G3137G3384G2385G3398G2532G2500G2532G453941They had been followers of Jesus and had cared for him while he was in Galilee. Many other women who had come with him to Jerusalem were also there.G3739G2532G3753G2258G1722G1056G190G846G2532G1247G846G2532G4183G243G3588G4872G846G1519G2414

The Burial of Jesus

42This all happened on Friday, the day of preparationc, the day before the Sabbath. As evening approached,G2532G2235G3798G1096G1893G2258G3904G3603G2076G431543Joseph of Arimathea took a risk and went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.cG2501G575G707G2158G1010G3739G2532G846G4327G2258G932G2316G2064G1525G5111G4314G4091G2532G154G4983G242444Pilate couldn't believe that Jesus was already dead, so he called for the Roman officer and asked if he had died yet.G1161G4091G2296G1487G2348G2235G2348G2532G4341G2760G1905G846G1487G599G3819G59945The officer confirmed that Jesus was dead, so Pilate told Joseph he could have the body.G2532G1097G575G2760G1433G4983G250146Joseph bought a long sheet of linen cloth. Then he took Jesus' body down from the cross, wrapped it in the cloth, and laid it in a tomb that had been carved out of the rock. Then he rolled a stone in front of the entrance.G2532G59G4616G2532G2507G1750G846G4616G2532G2698G846G1722G3419G3739G2258G2998G1537G4073G2532G4351G3037G1909G2374G341947Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph saw where Jesus' body was laid.G1161G3137G3094G2532G3137G2500G2334G4226G5087

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
Old Testament
  • 25. Lamentations (5)
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  • 29. Joel (3)
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  • 31. Obadiah (1)
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  • 34. Nahum (3)
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  • 35. Habakkuk (3)
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  • 36. Zephaniah (3)
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  • 37. Haggai (2)
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New Testament
  • 50. Philippians (4)
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  • 51. Colossians (4)
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  • 52. 1 Thessalonians (5)
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  • 53. 2 Thessalonians (3)
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  • 55. 2 Timothy (4)
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  • 56. Titus (3)
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  • 57. Philemon (1)
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  • 61. 2 Peter (3)
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  • 63. 2 John (1)
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  • 64. 3 John (1)
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  • 65. Jude (1)
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