1Chronicles 29 - Prayer Tents

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1Chronicles 29
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1Chronicles 29

Gifts for Building the Temple

29Then King David turned to the entire assembly and said, "My son Solomon, whom God has clearly chosen as the next king of Israel, is still young and inexperienced. The work ahead of him is enormous, for the Temple he will build is not for mere mortals—it is for the LORD God himself!H1732H4428H559H6951H8010H1121H259H430H977H5288H7390H4399H1419H1002H120H3068H4302Using every resource at my command, I have gathered as much as I could for building the Temple of my God. Now there is enough gold, silver, bronze, iron, and wood, as well as great quantities of onyx, other precious stones, costly jewels, and all kinds of fine stone and marble.H3559H3581H1004H430H2091H2091H3701H3701H5178H5178H1270H1270H6086H6086H7718H68H4394H6320H68H7553H3368H68H7893H68H72303"And now, because of my devotion to the Temple of my God, I am giving all of my own private treasures of gold and silver to help in the construction. This is in addition to the building materials I have already collected for his holy Temple.H7521H1004H430H3426H5459H2091H3701H5414H1004H430H4605H3559H6944H10044I am donating more than 112 tons of goldc from Ophir and 262 tons of refined silver to be used for overlaying the walls of the buildingsH7969H505H3603H2091H2091H211H7651H505H3603H2212H3701H2902H7023H10045and for the other gold and silver work to be done by the craftsmen. Now then, who will follow my example and give offerings to the LORD today?"H2091H2091H3701H3701H4399H3027H2796H5068H4390H3027H3117H30686Then the family leaders, the leaders of the tribes of Israel, the generals and captains of the armyc, and the king's administrative officers all gave willingly.H8269H1H8269H7626H3478H8269H505H3967H8269H4428H4399H50687For the construction of the Temple of God, they gave about 188 tons of goldc, 10,000 gold coins, 375 tons of silver, 675 tons of bronze, and 3,750 tons of iron.H5414H5656H1004H430H2091H2568H505H3603H7239H150H3701H6235H505H3603H5178H8083H7239H505H3603H3967H505H3603H12708They also contributed numerous precious stones, which were deposited in the treasury of the house of the LORD under the care of Jehiel, a descendant of Gershon.H68H4672H5414H214H1004H3068H3027H3171H16499The people rejoiced over the offerings, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD, and King David was filled with joy.H5971H8055H5068H8003H3820H5068H3068H1732H4428H8055H1419H8057

David’s Prayer of Praise

10Then David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly: "O LORD, the God of our ancestor Israelc, may you be praised forever and ever!H1732H1288H3068H5869H6951H1732H559H1288H3068H430H3478H1H5704H5769H576911Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O LORD, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things.H3068H1420H1369H8597H5331H1935H8064H776H4467H3068H4984H721812Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength.H6239H3519H6440H4910H3027H3581H1369H3027H1431H238813"O our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name!H430H3034H1984H8597H803414But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us!H5971H6113H3581H5068H3027H541415We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace.H1616H6440H8453H1H3117H776H6738H472316"O LORD our God, even this material we have gathered to build a Temple to honor your holy name comes from you! It all belongs to you!H3068H430H1995H3559H1129H1004H6944H8034H302717I know, my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there. You know I have done all this with good motives, and I have watched your people offer their gifts willingly and joyously.H3045H430H974H3824H7521H3476H4339H3824H5068H7200H8057H5971H4672H506818"O LORD, the God of our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, make your people always want to obey you. See to it that their love for you never changes.H3068H430H85H3327H3478H1H8104H5769H3336H4284H3824H5971H3559H382419Give my son Solomon the wholehearted desire to obey all your commands, laws, and decrees, and to do everything necessary to build this Temple, for which I have made these preparations."H5414H8010H1121H8003H3824H8104H4687H5715H2706H6213H1129H1002H355920Then David said to the whole assembly, "Give praise to the LORD your God!" And the entire assembly praised the LORD, the God of their ancestors, and they bowed low and knelt before the LORD and the king.H1732H559H6951H1288H3068H430H6951H1288H3068H430H1H6915H7812H3068H4428

Solomon Named as King

21The next day they brought 1,000 bulls, 1,000 rams, and 1,000 male lambs as burnt offerings to the LORD. They also brought liquid offerings and many other sacrifices on behalf of all Israel.H2076H2077H3068H5927H5930H3068H4283H3117H505H6499H505H352H505H3532H5262H2077H7230H347822They feasted and drank in the LORD's presence with great joy that day. And again they crowned David's son Solomon as their new king. They anointed him before the LORD as their leader, and they anointed Zadok as priest.H398H8354H6440H3068H3117H1419H8057H8010H1121H1732H4427H8145H4886H3068H5057H6659H354823So Solomon took the throne of the LORD in place of his father, David, and he succeeded in everything, and all Israel obeyed him.H8010H3427H3678H3068H4428H1732H1H6743H3478H808524All the officials, the warriors, and the sons of King David pledged their loyalty to King Solomon.H8269H1368H1121H4428H1732H5414H3027H8478H8010H442825And the LORD exalted Solomon in the sight of all Israel, and he gave Solomon greater royal splendor than any king in Israel before him.H3068H1431H8010H4605H5869H3478H5414H4438H1935H4428H6440H3478

Summary of David’s Reign

26So David son of Jesse reigned over all Israel.H1732H1121H3448H4427H347827He reigned over Israel for forty years, seven of them in Hebron and thirty-three in Jerusalem.H3117H4427H3478H705H8141H7651H8141H4427H2275H7970H7969H4427H338928He died at a ripe old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor. Then his son Solomon ruled in his place.H4191H2896H7872H7649H3117H6239H3519H8010H1121H442729All the events of King David's reign, from beginning to end, are written in The Record of Samuel the Seer, The Record of Nathan the Prophet, and The Record of Gad the Seer.H1697H1732H4428H7223H314H3789H1697H8050H7200H1697H5416H5030H1697H1410H237430These accounts include the mighty deeds of his reign and everything that happened to him and to Israel and to all the surrounding kingdoms.H4438H1369H6256H5674H3478H4467H776

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
Old Testament
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  • 31. Obadiah (1)
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