1Samuel 19 - Prayer Tents

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1Samuel 19
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1Samuel 19

Saul Tries to Kill David

19Saul now urged his servants and his son Jonathan to assassinate David. But Jonathan, because of his strong affection for David,H7586H1696H3129H1121H5650H4191H17322told him what his father was planning. "Tomorrow morning," he warned him, "you must find a hiding place out in the fields.H3083H7586H1121H2654H3966H1732H3083H5046H1732H559H7586H1H1245H4191H8104H1242H3427H5643H22443I'll ask my father to go out there with me, and I'll talk to him about you. Then I'll tell you everything I can find out."H3318H5975H3027H1H7704H1696H1H4100H7200H50464The next morning Jonathan spoke with his father about David, saying many good things about him. "The king must not sin against his servant David," Jonathan said. "He's never done anything to harm you. He has always helped you in any way he could.H3083H1696H2896H1732H7586H1H559H4428H2398H5650H1732H2398H4639H3966H28965Have you forgotten about the time he risked his life to kill the Philistine giant and how the LORD brought a great victory to all Israel as a result? You were certainly happy about it then. Why should you murder an innocent man like David? There is no reason for it at all!"H7760H5315H3709H5221H6430H3068H6213H1419H8668H3478H7200H8055H2398H5355H1818H4191H1732H26006So Saul listened to Jonathan and vowed, "As surely as the LORD lives, David will not be killed."H7586H8085H6963H3083H7586H7650H3068H2416H518H41917Afterward Jonathan called David and told him what had happened. Then he brought David to Saul, and David served in the court as before.H3083H7121H1732H3083H5046H1697H3083H935H1732H7586H6440H865H80328War broke out again after that, and David led his troops against the Philistines. He attacked them with such fury that they all ran away.H4421H3254H1732H3318H3898H6430H5221H1419H4347H5127H64409But one day when Saul was sitting at home, with spear in hand, the tormenting spiritc from the LORD suddenly came upon him again. As David played his harp,H7451H7307H3068H7586H3427H1004H2595H3027H1732H5059H302710Saul hurled his spear at David. But David dodged out of the way, and leaving the spear stuck in the wall, he fled and escaped into the night.H7586H1245H5221H1732H7023H2595H6362H7586H6440H5221H2595H7023H1732H5127H4422H3915

Michal Saves David’s Life

11Then Saul sent troops to watch David's house. They were told to kill David when he came out the next morning. But Michal, David's wife, warned him, "If you don't escape tonight, you will be dead by morning."H7586H7971H4397H1732H1004H8104H4191H1242H4324H1732H802H5046H559H4422H5315H3915H4279H419112So she helped him climb out through a window, and he fled and escaped.H4324H3381H1732H3381H2474H3212H1272H442213Then she took an idolc and put it in his bed, covered it with blankets, and put a cushion of goat's hair at its head.H4324H3947H8655H7760H4296H7760H3523H5795H4763H3680H89914When the troops came to arrest David, she told them he was sick and couldn't get out of bed.H7586H7971H4397H3947H1732H559H247015But Saul sent the troops back to get David. He ordered, "Bring him to me in his bed so I can kill him!"H7586H7971H4397H7200H1732H559H5927H4296H419116But when they came to carry David out, they discovered that it was only an idol in the bed with a cushion of goat's hair at its head.H4397H935H8655H4296H3523H5795H476317"Why have you betrayed me like this and let my enemy escape?" Saul demanded of Michal. "I had to," Michal replied. "He threatened to kill me if I didn't help him."H7586H559H4324H7411H7971H341H4422H4324H559H7586H559H7971H419118So David escaped and went to Ramah to see Samuel, and he told him all that Saul had done to him. Then Samuel took David with him to live at Naioth.H1732H1272H4422H935H8050H7414H5046H7586H6213H8050H3212H3427H512119When the report reached Saul that David was at Naioth in Ramah,H5046H7586H559H1732H5121H741420he sent troops to capture him. But when they arrived and saw Samuel leading a group of prophets who were prophesying, the Spirit of God came upon Saul's men, and they also began to prophesy.H7586H7971H4397H3947H1732H7200H3862H5030H5012H8050H5975H5324H7307H430H4397H7586H501221When Saul heard what had happened, he sent other troops, but they, too, prophesied! The same thing happened a third time.H5046H7586H7971H312H4397H5012H7586H7971H4397H3254H7992H501222Finally, Saul himself went to Ramah and arrived at the great well in Secu. "Where are Samuel and David?" he demanded. "They are at Naioth in Ramah," someone told him.H3212H7414H935H1419H953H7906H7592H559H375H8050H1732H559H5121H741423But on the way to Naioth in Ramah the Spirit of God came even upon Saul, and he, too, began to prophesy all the way to Naioth!H3212H5121H7414H7307H430H3212H1980H5012H935H5121H741424He tore off his clothes and lay naked on the ground all day and all night, prophesying in the presence of Samuel. The people who were watching exclaimed, "What? Is even Saul a prophet?"H6584H899H1571H5012H6440H8050H5307H6174H3117H3915H559H7586H5030

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
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