5[Young Man] I have entered my garden, my treasure, my bride! I gather myrrh with my spices and eat honeycomb with my honey. I drink wine with my milk. [Young Women of Jerusalem] Oh, lover and beloved, eat and drink! Yes, drink deeply of your love!H935H1588H269H3618H717H4753H1313H398H3293H1706H8354H3196H2461H398H7453H8354H7937H17302[Young Woman] I slept, but my heart was awake, when I heard my lover knocking and calling: “Open to me, my treasure, my darling, my dove, my perfect one. My head is drenched with dew, my hair with the dampness of the night.”H3463H3820H5782H6963H1730H1849H6605H269H7474H3123H8535H7218H4390H2919H6977H7447H39153But I responded, “I have taken off my robe. Should I get dressed again? I have washed my feet. Should I get them soiled?”H6584H3801H349H3847H7364H7272H349H29364My lover tried to unlatch the door, and my heart thrilled within me.H1730H7971H3027H4480H2356H4578H19935I jumped up to open the door for my love, and my hands dripped with perfume. My fingers dripped with lovely myrrh as I pulled back the bolt.H6965H6605H1730H3027H5197H4753H676H5674H4753H3709H45146I opened to my lover, but he was gone! My heart sank. I searched for him but could not find him anywhere. I called to him, but there was no reply.H6605H1730H1730H2559H5674H5315H3318H1696H1245H4672H7121H60307The night watchmen found me as they made their rounds. They beat and bruised me and stripped off my veil, those watchmen on the walls.H8104H5437H5892H4672H5221H6481H8104H2346H5375H72898Make this promise, O women of Jerusalem—If you find my lover, tell him I am weak with love.H7650H1323H3389H4672H1730H5046H2470H1609[Young Women of Jerusalem] Why is your lover better than all others, O woman of rare beauty? What makes your lover so special that we must promise this?H1730H1730H3303H802H1730H1730H3602H765010[Young Woman] My lover is dark and dazzling, better than ten thousand others!H1730H6703H122H1713H723311His head is finest gold, his wavy hair is black as a raven.H7218H3800H6337H6977H8534H7838H615812His eyes sparkle like doves beside springs of water; they are set like jewels washed in milk.H5869H3123H650H4325H7364H2461H3427H440213His cheeks are like gardens of spices giving off fragrance. His lips are like lilies, perfumed with myrrh.H3895H6170H1314H4840H4026H8193H7799H5197H5674H475314His arms are like rounded bars of gold, set with beryl. His body is like bright ivory, glowing with lapis lazuli.H3027H2091H1550H4390H8658H4578H6247H8127H5968H560115His legs are like marble pillars set in sockets of finest gold. His posture is stately, like the noble cedars of Lebanon.H7785H5982H8336H3245H134H6337H4758H3844H977H73016His mouth is sweetness itself; he is desirable in every way. Such, O women of Jerusalem, is my lover, my friend.H2441H4477H4261H1730H7453H1323H3389