Philemon 1 - Prayer Tents

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Philemon 1
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Philemon 1

Greetings from Paul

1This letter is from Paul, a prisoner for preaching the Good News about Christ Jesus, and from our brother Timothy. I am writing to Philemon, our beloved co-worker,G3972G1198G2424G5547G2532G5095G80G5371G2257G27G2532G49042and to our sister Apphia, and to our fellow soldier Archippus, and to the church that meets in yourc house.G2532G27G682G2532G751G2257G4961G2532G1577G2596G4675G36243May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.G5485G5213G2532G1515G575G2316G2257G3962G2532G2962G2424G5547

Paul’s Thanksgiving and Prayer

4I always thank my God when I pray for you, Philemon,G2168G3450G2316G4160G3417G4675G3842G1909G3450G43355because I keep hearing about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people.G191G4675G26G2532G4102G3739G2192G4314G2962G2424G2532G1519G3956G406And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ.G3704G2842G4675G4102G1096G1756G1722G1922G3956G18G3588G1722G5213G1519G5547G24247Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God's people.G1063G2192G4183G5485G2532G3874G1909G4675G26G3754G4698G40G373G1223G4675G80

Paul’s Appeal for Onesimus

8That is why I am boldly asking a favor of you. I could demand it in the name of Christ because it is the right thing for you to do.G1352G2192G4183G3954G1722G5547G2004G4671G4339But because of our love, I prefer simply to ask you. Consider this as a request from me—Paul, an old man and now also a prisoner for the sake of Christ Jesusc.G1223G26G3870G3123G3870G5607G5108G5613G3972G4246G1161G3570G2532G1198G2424G554710I appeal to you to show kindness to my child, Onesimus. I became his father in the faith while here in prison.G3870G4571G4012G1699G5043G3682G3739G1080G1722G3450G119911Onesimusc hasn't been of much use to you in the past, but now he is very useful to both of us.G3588G4218G890G4671G890G1161G3570G2173G4671G2532G169812I am sending him back to you, and with him comes my own heart.G3739G375G4771G1161G4355G846G5123G1699G469813I wanted to keep him here with me while I am in these chains for preaching the Good News, and he would have helped me on your behalf.G3739G1473G1014G2722G4314G1683G2443G4675G5228G1247G3427G1722G1199G209814But I didn't want to do anything without your consent. I wanted you to help because you were willing, not because you were forced.G1161G5565G4674G1106G2309G4160G3762G3363G4675G18G5600G3363G5600G5613G2596G318G235G1595G259615It seems you lost Onesimus for a little while so that you could have him back forever.G1063G1223G5029G5563G5124G5563G4314G5610G2443G568G846G16616He is no longer like a slave to you. He is more than a slave, for he is a beloved brother, especially to me. Now he will mean much more to you, both as a man and as a brother in the Lord.G3765G5613G1401G235G5228G1401G80G27G3122G1698G1161G4214G3123G4671G2532G1722G4561G2532G1722G296217So if you consider me your partner, welcome him as you would welcome me.G1487G2192G1691G3767G2844G4355G846G5613G169118If he has wronged you in any way or owes you anything, charge it to me.G1161G1487G91G4571G2228G3784G5100G1677G5124G1677G169819I, PAUL, WRITE THIS WITH MY OWN HAND: I WILL REPAY IT. AND I WON'T MENTION THAT YOU OWE ME YOUR VERY SOUL!G1473G3972G1125G1699G5495G1473G661G3363G3004G3363G3004G4671G3754G4359G3427G2532G4572G435920Yes, my brother, please do me this favorc for the Lord's sake. Give me this encouragement in Christ.G3483G80G3685G1473G3685G4675G1722G2962G373G3450G4698G1722G296221I am confident as I write this letter that you will do what I ask and even more!G3982G4675G5218G1125G4671G1492G3754G4160G2532G4160G3739G5228G300422One more thing—please prepare a guest room for me, for I am hoping that God will answer your prayers and let me return to you soon.G1161G260G2090G3427G2532G3578G1063G1679G3754G1223G5216G4335G5483G5213

Paul’s Final Greetings

23Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends you his greetings.G782G4571G1889G3450G4869G1722G5547G242424So do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my co-workers.G3138G708G1214G3065G3450G490425May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.G5485G2257G2962G2424G5547G3326G5216G4151G281

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
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