30Then Moses summoned the leaders of the tribes of Israel and told them, "This is what the LORD has commanded.H4872H1696H7218H4294H1121H3478H559H1697H3068H66802A man who makes a vow to the LORD or makes a pledge under oath must never break it. He must do exactly what he said he would do.H376H5087H5088H3068H7650H7621H631H5315H632H2490H1697H6213H3318H63103"If a young woman makes a vow to the LORD or a pledge under oath while she is still living at her father's home,H802H5087H5088H3068H631H632H1H1004H52714and her father hears of the vow or pledge and does not object to it, then all her vows and pledges will stand.H1H8085H5088H632H631H5315H1H2790H5088H6965H632H631H5315H69655But if her father refuses to let her fulfill the vow or pledge on the day he hears of it, then all her vows and pledges will become invalid. The LORD will forgive her because her father would not let her fulfill them.H1H5106H3117H8085H5088H632H631H5315H6965H3068H5545H1H51066"Now suppose a young woman makes a vow or binds herself with an impulsive pledge and later marries.H376H5088H4008H8193H631H53157If her husband learns of her vow or pledge and does not object on the day he hears of it, her vows and pledges will stand.H376H8085H2790H3117H8085H5088H6965H632H631H5315H69658But if her husband refuses to accept her vow or impulsive pledge on the day he hears of it, he nullifies her commitments, and the LORD will forgive her.H376H5106H3117H8085H5088H4008H8193H631H5315H6565H3068H55459If, however, a woman is a widow or is divorced, she must fulfill all her vows and pledges.H5088H490H1644H631H5315H696510"But suppose a woman is married and living in her husband's home when she makes a vow or binds herself with a pledge.H5087H376H1004H631H5315H632H762111If her husband hears of it and does not object to it, her vow or pledge will stand.H376H8085H2790H5106H5088H6965H632H631H5315H696512But if her husband refuses to accept it on the day he hears of it, her vow or pledge will be nullified, and the LORD will forgive her.H376H6565H6565H3117H8085H4161H8193H5088H632H5315H6965H376H6565H3068H554513So her husband may either confirm or nullify any vows or pledges she makes to deny herself.H5088H632H7621H6031H5315H376H6965H376H656514But if he does not object on the day he hears of it, then he is agreeing to all her vows and pledges.H376H2790H2790H3117H3117H6965H5088H632H6965H2790H3117H808515If he waits more than a day and then tries to nullify a vow or pledge, he will be punished for her guilt."H6565H6565H310H8085H5375H577116These are the regulations the LORD gave Moses concerning relationships between a man and his wife, and between a father and a young daughter who still lives at home.H2706H3068H6680H4872H376H802H1H1323H5271H1H1004