Leviticus 27 - Prayer Tents

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Leviticus 27
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Leviticus 27

Redemption of Gifts Offered to the Lord

27The LORD said to Moses,H3068H1696H4872H559 2"Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. If anyone makes a special vow to dedicate someone to the LORD by paying the value of that person,H1696H1121H3478H559H376H6381H5088H5315H3068H6187 3here is the scale of values to be used. A man between the ages of twenty and sixty is valued at fifty shekelsc of silver, as measured by the sanctuary shekel.H6187H2145H6242H8141H1121H8346H8141H1121H6187H2572H8255H3701H8255H6944 4A woman of that age is valued at thirty shekelsc of silver.H5347H6187H7970H8255 5A boy between the ages of five and twenty is valued at twenty shekels of silver; a girl of that age is valued at ten shekelsc of silver.H2568H8141H1121H6242H8141H1121H6187H2145H6242H8255H5347H6235H8255 6A boy between the ages of one month and five years is valued at five shekels of silver; a girl of that age is valued at three shekelsc of silver.H2320H1121H2568H8141H1121H6187H2145H2568H8255H3701H5347H6187H7969H8255H3701 7A man older than sixty is valued at fifteen shekels of silver; a woman of that age is valued at ten shekelsc of silver.H8346H8141H1121H4605H2145H6187H2568H6240H8255H5347H6235H8255 8If you desire to make such a vow but cannot afford to pay the required amount, take the person to the priest. He will determine the amount for you to pay based on what you can afford.H4134H6187H5975H6440H3548H3548H6186H6310H3027H5381H5087H3548H6186 9"If your vow involves giving an animal that is acceptable as an offering to the LORD, any gift to the LORD will be considered holy.H929H7126H7133H3068H5414H3068H6944 10You may not exchange or substitute it for another animal—neither a good animal for a bad one nor a bad animal for a good one. But if you do exchange one animal for another, then both the original animal and its substitute will be considered holy.H2498H4171H2896H7451H7451H2896H4171H4171H929H929H8545H6944 11If your vow involves an unclean animal—one that is not acceptable as an offering to the LORD—then you must bring the animal to the priest.H2931H929H7126H7133H3068H5975H929H6440H3548 12He will assess its value, and his assessment will be final, whether high or low.H3548H6186H996H2896H996H7451H6187H3548 13If you want to buy back the animal, you must pay the value set by the priest, plus 20 percent.H1350H1350H3254H2549H6187 14"If someone dedicates a house to the LORD, the priest will come to assess its value. The priest's assessment will be final, whether high or low.H376H6942H1004H6944H3068H3548H6186H2896H7451H3548H6186H6965 15If the person who dedicated the house wants to buy it back, he must pay the value set by the priest, plus 20 percent. Then the house will again be his.H6942H1350H1004H3254H2549H3701H6187 16"If someone dedicates to the LORD a piece of his family property, its value will be assessed according to the amount of seed required to plant it—fifty shekels of silver for a field planted with five bushels of barley seedc.H376H6942H3068H7704H272H6187H6310H2233H2563H8184H2233H2572H8255H3701 17If the field is dedicated to the LORD in the Year of Jubilee, then the entire assessment will apply.H6942H7704H8141H3104H6187H6965 18But if the field is dedicated after the Year of Jubilee, the priest will assess the land's value in proportion to the number of years left until the next Year of Jubilee. Its assessed value is reduced each year.H6942H7704H310H3104H3548H2803H3701H6310H8141H3498H8141H3104H1639H6187 19If the person who dedicated the field wants to buy it back, he must pay the value set by the priest, plus 20 percent. Then the field will again be legally his.H6942H7704H1350H1350H3254H2549H3701H6187H6965 20But if he does not want to buy it back, and it is sold to someone else, the field can no longer be bought back.H1350H7704H4376H7704H312H376H1350 21When the field is released in the Year of Jubilee, it will be holy, a field specially set apartc for the LORD. It will become the property of the priests.H7704H3318H3104H6944H3068H7704H2764H272H3548 22"If someone dedicates to the LORD a field he has purchased but which is not part of his family property,H6942H3068H7704H4736H7704H272 23the priest will assess its value based on the number of years left until the next Year of Jubilee. On that day he must give the assessed value of the land as a sacred donation to the LORD.H3548H2803H4373H6187H8141H3104H5414H6187H3117H6944H3068 24In the Year of Jubilee the field must be returned to the person from whom he purchased it, the one who inherited it as family property.H8141H3104H7704H7725H7069H272H776 25(All the payments must be measured by the weight of the sanctuary shekelc, which equals twenty gerahs.)H6187H8255H6944H6242H1626H8255 26"You may not dedicate a firstborn animal to the LORD, for the firstborn of your cattle, sheep, and goats already belong to him.H1060H929H3068H1069H376H6942H7794H7716H3068 27However, you may buy back the firstborn of a ceremonially unclean animal by paying the priest's assessment of its worth, plus 20 percent. If you do not buy it back, the priest will sell it at its assessed value.H2931H929H6299H6187H3254H2549H1350H4376H6187 28"However, anything specially set apart for the LORD—whether a person, an animal, or family property—must never be sold or bought back. Anything devoted in this way has been set apart as holy, and it belongs to the LORD.H2764H376H2763H3068H120H929H7704H272H4376H1350H2764H6944H6944H3068 29No person specially set apart for destruction may be bought back. Such a person must be put to death.H2764H3808H2763H120H6299H4191H4191 30"One tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain from the fields or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD and must be set apart to him as holy.H4643H776H2233H776H6529H6086H3068H6944H3068 31If you want to buy back the LORD's tenth of the grain or fruit, you must pay its value, plus 20 percent.H376H1350H1350H4643H3254H2549 32Count off every tenth animal from your herds and flocks and set them apart for the LORD as holy.H4643H1241H6629H5674H7626H6224H6944H3068 33You may not pick and choose between good and bad animals, and you may not substitute one for another. But if you do exchange one animal for another, then both the original animal and its substitute will be considered holy and cannot be bought back."H1239H2896H7451H4171H4171H4171H8545H6944H1350 34These are the commands that the LORD gave through Moses on Mount Sinai for the Israelites.H4687H3068H6680H4872H1121H3478H2022H5514

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
Old Testament
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