Psalms 146 - Prayer Tents
Psalms 146 146 Praise the Lord! Let all that I am praise the Lord. H1984 H3050 H1984 H3068 H5315 2 I will praise the Lord as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath. H2416 H1984 H3068 H2167 H430 3 Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. H982 H5081 H1121 H120 H8668 4 When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them. H7307 H3318 H7725 H127 H3117 H6250 H6 5 But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God. H835 H410 H3290 H5828 H7664 H3068 H430 6 He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever. H6213 H8064 H776 H3220 H8104 H571 H5769 7 He gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry. The Lord frees the prisoners. H6213 H4941 H6231 H5414 H3899 H7457 H3068 H5425 H631 8 The Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are weighed down. The Lord loves the godly. H3068 H6491 H5787 H3068 H2210 H3721 H3068 H157 H6662 9 The Lord protects the foreigners among us. He cares for the orphans and widows, but he frustrates the plans of the wicked. H3068 H8104 H1616 H5749 H3490 H490 H1870 H7563 H5791 10 The Lord will reign forever. He will be your God, O Jerusalem, throughout the generations. Praise the Lord! H3068 H4427 H5769 H430 H6726 H1755 H1755 H1984 H3050
New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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