Numbers 29 - Prayer Tents

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Numbers 29
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Numbers 29

Offerings for the Festival of Trumpets

29"Celebrate the Festival of Trumpets each year on the first day of the appointed month in early autumnc. You must call an official day for holy assembly, and you may do no ordinary work.H7637H2320H259H2320H6944H4744H6213H5656H4399H3117H86432On that day you must present a burnt offering as a pleasing aroma to the LORD. It will consist of one young bull, one ram, and seven one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H6213H5930H5207H7381H3068H259H1241H6499H259H352H7651H3532H1121H8141H85493These must be accompanied by grain offerings of choice flour moistened with olive oil—six quartsc with the bull, four quarts with the ram,H4503H5560H1101H8081H7969H6241H6499H8147H6241H3524and two quartsc with each of the seven lambs.H259H6241H259H3532H7651H35325In addition, you must sacrifice a male goat as a sin offering to purify yourselves and make yourselves right with the LORDc.H259H8163H5795H2403H37226These special sacrifices are in addition to your regular monthly and daily burnt offerings, and they must be given with their prescribed grain offerings and liquid offerings. These offerings are given as a special gift to the LORD, a pleasing aroma to him.H5930H2320H4503H8548H5930H4503H5262H4941H5207H7381H801H3068

Offerings for the Day of Atonement

7"Ten days later, on the tenth day of the same monthc, you must call another holy assembly. On that day, the Day of Atonement, the people must go without food and must do no ordinary work.H6218H7637H2320H6944H4744H6031H5315H6213H43998You must present a burnt offering as a pleasing aroma to the LORD. It will consist of one young bull, one ram, and seven one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H7126H5930H3068H5207H7381H259H1241H6499H259H352H7651H3532H1121H8141H85499These offerings must be accompanied by the prescribed grain offerings of choice flour moistened with olive oil—six quarts of choice flour with the bull, four quarts of choice flour with the ram,H4503H5560H1101H8081H7969H6241H6499H8147H6241H259H35210and two quarts of choice flour with each of the seven lambs.H6241H259H3532H7651H353211You must also sacrifice one male goat for a sin offering. This is in addition to the sin offering of atonement and the regular daily burnt offering with its grain offering, and their accompanying liquid offerings.H259H8163H5795H2403H2403H3725H8548H5930H4503H5262

Offerings for the Festival of Shelters

12"Five days later, on the fifteenth day of the same monthc, you must call another holy assembly of all the people, and you may do no ordinary work on that day. It is the beginning of the Festival of Shelters, a seven-day festival to the LORD.H2568H6240H3117H7637H2320H6944H4744H6213H5656H4399H2287H2282H3068H7651H311713On the first day of the festival, you must present a burnt offering as a special gift, a pleasing aroma to the LORD. It will consist of thirteen young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H7126H5930H801H5207H7381H3068H7969H6240H1241H1121H6499H8147H352H702H6240H3532H1121H8141H854914Each of these offerings must be accompanied by a grain offering of choice flour moistened with olive oil—six quarts for each of the thirteen bulls, four quarts for each of the two rams,H4503H5560H1101H8081H7969H6241H259H6499H7969H6240H6499H8147H6241H259H352H8147H35215and two quarts for each of the fourteen lambs.H6241H259H3532H702H6240H353216You must also sacrifice a male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its accompanying grain offering and liquid offering.H259H8163H5795H2403H8548H5930H4503H526217"On the second day of this seven-day festival, sacrifice twelve young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H8145H3117H8147H6240H1121H1241H6499H8147H352H702H6240H3532H1121H8141H854918Each of these offerings of bulls, rams, and lambs must be accompanied by its prescribed grain offering and liquid offering.H4503H5262H6499H352H3532H4557H494119You must also sacrifice a male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its accompanying grain offering and liquid offering.H259H8163H5795H2403H8548H5930H4503H526220"On the third day of the festival, sacrifice eleven young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H7992H3117H6249H6240H6499H8147H352H702H6240H3532H1121H8141H854921Each of these offerings of bulls, rams, and lambs must be accompanied by its prescribed grain offering and liquid offering.H4503H5262H6499H352H3532H4557H494122You must also sacrifice a male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its accompanying grain offering and liquid offering.H259H8163H2403H8548H5930H4503H526223"On the fourth day of the festival, sacrifice ten young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H7243H3117H6235H6499H8147H352H702H6240H3532H1121H8141H854924Each of these offerings of bulls, rams, and lambs must be accompanied by its prescribed grain offering and liquid offering.H4503H5262H6499H352H3532H4557H494125You must also sacrifice a male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its accompanying grain offering and liquid offering.H259H8163H5795H2403H8548H5930H4503H526226"On the fifth day of the festival, sacrifice nine young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H2549H3117H8672H6499H8147H352H702H6240H3532H1121H8141H854927Each of these offerings of bulls, rams, and lambs must be accompanied by its prescribed grain offering and liquid offering.H4503H5262H6499H352H3532H4557H494128You must also sacrifice a male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its accompanying grain offering and liquid offering.H259H8163H2403H8548H5930H4503H526229"On the sixth day of the festival, sacrifice eight young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H8345H3117H8083H6499H8147H352H702H6240H3532H1121H8141H854930Each of these offerings of bulls, rams, and lambs must be accompanied by its prescribed grain offering and liquid offering.H4503H5262H6499H352H3532H4557H494131You must also sacrifice a male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its accompanying grain offering and liquid offering.H259H8163H2403H8548H5930H4503H526232"On the seventh day of the festival, sacrifice seven young bulls, two rams, and fourteen one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H7637H3117H7651H6499H8147H352H702H6240H3532H1121H8141H854933Each of these offerings of bulls, rams, and lambs must be accompanied by its prescribed grain offering and liquid offering.H4503H5262H6499H352H3532H4557H494134You must also sacrifice one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its accompanying grain offering and liquid offering.H259H8163H2403H8548H5930H4503H526235"On the eighth day of the festival, proclaim another holy day. You must do no ordinary work on that day.H8066H3117H6116H6213H5656H439936You must present a burnt offering as a special gift, a pleasing aroma to the LORD. It will consist of one young bull, one ram, and seven one-year-old male lambs, all with no defects.H7126H5930H801H5207H7381H3068H259H6499H259H352H7651H3532H1121H8141H854937Each of these offerings must be accompanied by its prescribed grain offering and liquid offering.H4503H5262H6499H352H3532H4557H494138You must also sacrifice one male goat as a sin offering, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its accompanying grain offering and liquid offering.H259H8163H2403H8548H5930H4503H526239"You must present these offerings to the LORD at your annual festivals. These are in addition to the sacrifices and offerings you present in connection with vows, or as voluntary offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, liquid offerings, or peace offerings."H6213H3068H4150H5088H5071H5930H4503H5262H800240cSo Moses gave all of these instructions to the people of Israel as the LORD had commanded him.H4872H559H1121H3478H3068H6680H4872

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
Old Testament
  • 25. Lamentations (5)
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  • 29. Joel (3)
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  • 31. Obadiah (1)
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  • 34. Nahum (3)
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  • 35. Habakkuk (3)
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New Testament
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  • 57. Philemon (1)
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  • 61. 2 Peter (3)
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  • 63. 2 John (1)
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