Ezekiel 13 - Prayer Tents

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Ezekiel 13
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Ezekiel 13

Judgment against False Prophets

13Then this message came to me from the Lord:H1697H3068H559 2“Son of man, prophesy against the false prophets of Israel who are inventing their own prophecies. Say to them, ‘Listen to the word of the Lord.H1121H120H5012H5030H3478H5012H559H5030H3820H8085H1697H3068 3This is what the Sovereign Lord says: What sorrow awaits the false prophets who are following their own imaginations and have seen nothing at all!’H559H136H3069H1945H5036H5030H1980H310H7307H7200 4“O people of Israel, these prophets of yours are like jackals digging in the ruins.H3478H5030H7776H2723 5They have done nothing to repair the breaks in the walls around the nation. They have not helped it to stand firm in battle on the day of the Lord.H5927H6556H1443H1447H1004H3478H5975H4421H3117H3068 6Instead, they have told lies and made false predictions. They say, ‘This message is from the Lord,’ even though the Lord never sent them. And yet they expect him to fulfill their prophecies!H2372H7723H3577H7081H559H3068H5002H3068H7971H3176H6965H1697 7Can your visions be anything but false if you claim, ‘This message is from the Lord,’ when I have not even spoken to you?H2372H7723H4236H1696H3577H4738H559H3068H5002H559 8“Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because what you say is false and your visions are a lie, I will stand against you, says the Sovereign Lord.H559H136H3069H1696H7723H2372H3577H5002H136H3069 9I will raise my fist against all the prophets who see false visions and make lying predictions, and they will be banished from the community of Israel. I will blot their names from Israel’s record books, and they will never again set foot in their own land. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.H3027H5030H2374H7723H7080H3577H5475H5971H3789H3791H1004H3478H935H127H3478H3045H136H3069 10“This will happen because these evil prophets deceive my people by saying, ‘All is peaceful’ when there is no peace at all! It’s as if the people have built a flimsy wall, and these prophets are trying to reinforce it by covering it with whitewash!H2937H5971H559H7965H7965H1129H2434H2009H2902H8602 11Tell these whitewashers that their wall will soon fall down. A heavy rainstorm will undermine it; great hailstones and mighty winds will knock it down.H559H2902H8602H5307H7857H1653H859H417H68H5307H5591H7307H1234 12And when the wall falls, the people will cry out, ‘What happened to your whitewash?’H7023H5307H559H2915H2902 13“Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will sweep away your whitewashed wall with a storm of indignation, with a great flood of anger, and with hailstones of fury.H559H136H3069H1234H5591H7307H2534H7857H1653H639H417H68H2534H3617 14I will break down your wall right to its foundation, and when it falls, it will crush you. Then you will know that I am the Lord.H2040H7023H2902H8602H5060H776H3247H1540H5307H3615H8432H3045H3068 15At last my anger against the wall and those who covered it with whitewash will be satisfied. Then I will say to you: ‘The wall and those who whitewashed it are both gone.H3615H2534H7023H2902H8602H559H7023H2902 16They were lying prophets who claimed peace would come to Jerusalem when there was no peace. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!’H5030H3478H5012H3389H2374H2377H7965H7965H5002H136H3069

Judgment against False Women Prophets

17“Now, son of man, speak out against the women who prophesy from their own imaginations.H1121H120H7760H6440H1323H5971H5012H3820H5012 18This is what the Sovereign Lord says: What sorrow awaits you women who are ensnaring the souls of my people, young and old alike. You tie magic charms on their wrists and furnish them with magic veils. Do you think you can trap others without bringing destruction on yourselves?H559H559H136H3069H1945H8609H3704H679H3027H6213H4555H7218H6967H6679H5315H6679H5315H5971H2421H5315H2421 19You bring shame on me among my people for a few handfuls of barley or a piece of bread. By lying to my people who love to listen to lies, you kill those who should not die, and you promise life to those who should not live.H2490H5971H8168H8184H6595H3899H4191H5315H4191H2421H5315H2421H2421H3576H5971H8085H3577 20“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against all your magic charms, which you use to ensnare my people like birds. I will tear them from your arms, setting my people free like birds set free from a cage.H559H136H3069H3704H859H6679H5315H6524H7167H2220H5315H7971H5315H6679H6524 21I will tear off the magic veils and save my people from your grasp. They will no longer be your victims. Then you will know that I am the Lord.H4555H7167H5337H5971H3027H3027H4686H3045H3068 22You have discouraged the righteous with your lies, but I didn’t want them to be sad. And you have encouraged the wicked by promising them life, even though they continue in their sins.H8267H3820H6662H3512H3510H2388H3027H7451H7725H7563H1870H2421 23Because of all this, you will no longer talk of seeing visions that you never saw, nor will you make predictions. For I will rescue my people from your grasp. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”H2372H7723H7080H7081H5337H5971H3027H3045H3068

New Living Translation (NLT). Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. More details.
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